Registration for Cali Creek: Mendocino Recess
Paying with DWOLLA or with a Credit Card
What's with the sliding scale pricing structure?
In order to make this event financially accessible to as many people as possible, we are offering tickets on a sliding scale, with tickets ranging from $175 and up. Please consider your financial situation and buy a ticket at the high end of what you can afford. This gives access to folks who couldn't otherwise afford to come. If $175 is outside of your price range, fill out one of our cutesie-lookin' Volunteer and/or Scholarship applications and our scholarship committee will work hard to issue you a ticket you can afford. These events are about community and access.
In order to make this event financially accessible to as many people as possible, we are offering tickets on a sliding scale, with tickets ranging from $175 and up. Please consider your financial situation and buy a ticket at the high end of what you can afford. This gives access to folks who couldn't otherwise afford to come. If $175 is outside of your price range, fill out one of our cutesie-lookin' Volunteer and/or Scholarship applications and our scholarship committee will work hard to issue you a ticket you can afford. These events are about community and access.
This Event is breaking Recess records as the most expensive venue we've ever rented... but at the same time, (nearly) everyone gets their own cabin! Please pay at the upper end of what you can afford to help make this event affordable and accessible for everyone in the community. And with that said, we still offer need blind scholarships to anyone that asks, without question
Can't Afford A Low-Income Ticket? Fill out our Scholarship Form*
$175 Low Income Ticket
$195 Mid-Low Income
$245 Mid Income Ticket
$295 Upper Income Ticket
$395 Benevolent Gentry Ticket
Recess Food Co-op Prices (read below for details)
$35/3 days of food Vegetarian Meals
$17 extra/3 evenings of Meat with your dinner
Can't Afford A Low-Income Ticket? Fill out our Scholarship Form*
$175 Low Income Ticket
$195 Mid-Low Income
$245 Mid Income Ticket
$295 Upper Income Ticket
$395 Benevolent Gentry Ticket
Recess Food Co-op Prices (read below for details)
$35/3 days of food Vegetarian Meals
$17 extra/3 evenings of Meat with your dinner
We have 200 beds and 50 camping spots, so pick one for yourself.
Paying with DWOLLA
DWOLLA registration option: to pay with DWOLLA, create an account using the Recess Link below, then use the drop down links below. Please make sure you pay for both your event and meal tickets separately.
Setting Up A DWOLLA account: We offer payments through DWOLLA. It's a secure online payment system that allows for direct transactions between banks (or local credit unions!) that offer a great work-around that avoids extortive credit card fees. It takes a bit of set-up; but if you opt to pay with DWOLLA, we'll give you 10 business days to get your account verified and balance transferred. Additionally, DWOLLA just enabled a "guest checkout" so anyone can now use DWOLLA to pay!
Setting Up A DWOLLA account: We offer payments through DWOLLA. It's a secure online payment system that allows for direct transactions between banks (or local credit unions!) that offer a great work-around that avoids extortive credit card fees. It takes a bit of set-up; but if you opt to pay with DWOLLA, we'll give you 10 business days to get your account verified and balance transferred. Additionally, DWOLLA just enabled a "guest checkout" so anyone can now use DWOLLA to pay!