El Clandestino Recess
Valencia, Spain
June 4 - 7th
Friday / Viernes
15hr: A Picnic on the stairs of the historic central market in El Carmen. Bring food, or show up an hour early to buy food in the amazing market before it closes at 14hr! https://goo.gl/maps/N66hT
17h: moving to dance 100 meters from our picnic spot to Escalones de la Lonja to have a coffee, some wine, and dance in the shade of Valencia's most important historical building!
19hr Dancing in Plaza de La Virgen. https://goo.gl/maps/Ceeir Then follow the flow!
1hr (or when we decide) - dancing in the SPIRIT school with super special productions and live acts! You won't want to miss it!https://goo.gl/maps/LbJth
Saturday / Sabado: Dia del Rio!
16h picnic and dancing in El Rio on the north side of Del Mar Bridge. Bring food and wine!: https://goo.gl/maps/iEjNM
22h - Dancing in El Rio: On the southern part of Palau de la Musica in el Rio: https://goo.gl/maps/Zv1va
02hr/03hr - dancing in the SPIRIT School with Peter's live Blues Band and special Recess productions all night!
07h - something extra special!!
Sunday / Domingo: Dia del Playa!
16h - Beach hang out swim time! Bring drinks, food, and all the things you want for an all day beach party and dancing! We will be hanging out and dancing on the bridge part of the beach in front of The Mas Bonita De Patacona: https://goo.gl/maps/9qukI
19:30h - to the cultural squat of Atelier Dels Bous for hanging and dancing!https://goo.gl/maps/1MlBB
Friday / Viernes
15hr: A Picnic on the stairs of the historic central market in El Carmen. Bring food, or show up an hour early to buy food in the amazing market before it closes at 14hr! https://goo.gl/maps/N66hT
17h: moving to dance 100 meters from our picnic spot to Escalones de la Lonja to have a coffee, some wine, and dance in the shade of Valencia's most important historical building!
19hr Dancing in Plaza de La Virgen. https://goo.gl/maps/Ceeir Then follow the flow!
1hr (or when we decide) - dancing in the SPIRIT school with super special productions and live acts! You won't want to miss it!https://goo.gl/maps/LbJth
Saturday / Sabado: Dia del Rio!
16h picnic and dancing in El Rio on the north side of Del Mar Bridge. Bring food and wine!: https://goo.gl/maps/iEjNM
22h - Dancing in El Rio: On the southern part of Palau de la Musica in el Rio: https://goo.gl/maps/Zv1va
02hr/03hr - dancing in the SPIRIT School with Peter's live Blues Band and special Recess productions all night!
07h - something extra special!!
Sunday / Domingo: Dia del Playa!
16h - Beach hang out swim time! Bring drinks, food, and all the things you want for an all day beach party and dancing! We will be hanging out and dancing on the bridge part of the beach in front of The Mas Bonita De Patacona: https://goo.gl/maps/9qukI
19:30h - to the cultural squat of Atelier Dels Bous for hanging and dancing!https://goo.gl/maps/1MlBB
What is the Clandestino Recess?
Semi-legal street, park, beach and plaza parties; food, wine, and goodness, rando happenings that are not scheduled but are amaaaazing. It's an underground event with a bunch of "less-than-legal" venues and parties in the streets and a few eccentric venues on top. There will be all types of music, blues, non-blues, fusion, you name it. It's cheap, it will be hella-fun, it will be low key and the type of daily raging party that you wish your life just was. Buy your tickets, make your travel plans, don't ask us what to expect, we'll post that on this event Facebook page the days before the event starts, and you'll figure the rest out when you get here. Be sure to arrive by Thursday dinnertime and don't plan to leave before Monday brunch. We will do the best we can to help out of town dancers find local housing. Know it's going to be amazing.
Join the Facebook event for updates!
Join the Facebook event for updates!
Que es El Recess Clandestino? En Español
Un evento con fiestas en las calles, en parques, playas, y plazas; comida, vino, y momentos mágicos y únicos. Es un evento clandestino con un montón de "menos de legal" sitios y fiestas a el aire libre y sitios un poco excentricos. Va a tener musica blues, y musica alternative y Fusion. Va a ser económico, super loco, y relajado, con el estilo de vida que quisieran que sus vidas siempre seran. Compra tus boletos, confirma tus planes de viaje, no nos pregunten sobre expectaciones o planes especificos, vamos a anunciar detalles en el evento de Facebook la semana antes, pero vas a aprenderlos el resto cuando llegas. Llega a tiempo para la cena de Jueves, y note vallas antes de Brunch el próximo Lunes. El evento va a encontrar lugares para los que estan visitando del estranjero se hospedajen. Registración va a empezar el 1ro de Mayo. ¡Apúntate! Sabes que va ser guay.