Shakori Hills Recess/Tobacco Road Discount Ticket
Welcome! You have found this page because you have already registered for Tobacco Road Blues. Welcome to the party! You now get a 20% discount on your Shakori Hills Recess event ticket. To learn more about the event and see what its all about you can check out the full event website at the Shakori Hills Recess Webpage.
For more information about our sliding scale payment method and purchasing event meals, click here.
Click on the link below to begin registration, it will open a new page so you can
still reference the promotional codes for your discount .
If you are paying with a credit card: just fill out the registration form, select your ticket, enter your code and pay.
if you are paying with a DWOLLA bank transfer: fill out the registration form HERE, select dwolla, then enter the amount you are paying with a note reading "including 20% Tobacco Road Discount."
Click Here to Register
Low Income Ticket %20 Discount ($80 total): TRBROCKS20
Low-Mid Income Ticket 20% Discount ($103 total): TRBROCKS21
Mid Income TIcket 20% Discount ($132 total): TRBROCKS33
Upper Income Ticket 20% Discount ($164 total): TRBROCKS52
Benevolent Gentry Ticket 20% Discount ($208 total): TRBROCKS41
For more information about our sliding scale payment method and purchasing event meals, click here.
Click on the link below to begin registration, it will open a new page so you can
still reference the promotional codes for your discount .
If you are paying with a credit card: just fill out the registration form, select your ticket, enter your code and pay.
if you are paying with a DWOLLA bank transfer: fill out the registration form HERE, select dwolla, then enter the amount you are paying with a note reading "including 20% Tobacco Road Discount."
Click Here to Register
Low Income Ticket %20 Discount ($80 total): TRBROCKS20
Low-Mid Income Ticket 20% Discount ($103 total): TRBROCKS21
Mid Income TIcket 20% Discount ($132 total): TRBROCKS33
Upper Income Ticket 20% Discount ($164 total): TRBROCKS52
Benevolent Gentry Ticket 20% Discount ($208 total): TRBROCKS41